Thursday, 20 February 2014

The next step...

After about 18 months of 'trying for a baby' I thought it would be wise to speak to my doctor about investigating our fertility. Initially a very simple process, just go for the blood tests at the correct time during your cycle and hey presto they can determine the basics regarding your fertility. My tests revealed that my hormones were at the right levels and I appeared to be ovulating without any problems. DH, understandably, was somewhat reluctant to go for his sperm analysis. As I have previously said, he was terrified of what the result might be, not for his sake, but for mine. I think he also felt like he was having his manliness questioned. I didn't push, I knew he needed to do it in his own time. Eventually he went and the results came back showing that everything was normal, wow what a relief! But if everything is normal, why aren't we pregnant yet?

We were referred to a consultant gynaecologist at the hospital for further investigations. At our first consultation I had an internal scan  which revealed normal ovaries and a sufficient number of eggs, she counted about 6 in each ovary. However, she had suspicions about endometriosis because of symptoms I'd described and something she had spotted on the scan. She told me that I would be referred for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy where they would be able to treat the endo if they found it and basically give my reproductive system a bit of a service. This was likely to happen in about 5-6 months, in the meantime keep trying, "hopefully I won't be seeing you again" she said.

I was amazed when, a month later, I got an appointment through for the surgery. In a strange way I was quite excited, I wondered what they would discover. I actually quite enjoyed going under and the strange sensation of coming round. As I was regaining consciousness a doctor sat by my side and said you won't remember this conversation, but I'll tell you anyway and you'll get it all in a letter within a few days. We found endometriosis which we zapped away, so your tubes are nice and clean now, hopefully you'll get pregnant within the next few months. I was really hopeful after this. The letter came through, as he had promised, and also mentioned something about 'tubal factor muscular damage' there was no more detail about this. There was a follow up appointment booked for 3 months time. I didn't conceive.

At the follow up consultation we were shown detailed pictures form my surgery (quite fascinating) the most revealing of which was one that showed how my tubes had pooled with the blue dye instead of just pushing it straight through. Essentially I have lazy tubes. This, the gynaecologist told us, was the only thing that she thought was preventing us from conceiving naturally. We were informed that the next step was IVF. Our gynaecologist is a very efficient woman and gets straight to the point. There was no discussion as to whether we wanted to go down this route, it was  just assumed. I was quite happy, DH looked more like a rabbit caught in the headlights. This doesn't mean you can't conceive naturally she told us, so keep trying and hopefully I won't see you again. This must be her trademark way of ending every consultation.

Knowing a number of friends who have had IVF treatment through the NHS I was naturally expecting an 18 month wait."How long will it be until treatment starts?" I asked. "Well, you could be all done within 5-6 months, we don't do waiting lists in Cheltenham!" Wow. Looks like the post code lottery has worked in our favour. We're getting the same level and speed of treatment as if we had paid privately. And three attempts. I really do appreciate how lucky I am.


  1. So glad you're getting treatment so quickly. That's brilliant news. We're trying for our second baby at the moment (after recurrent miscarriage) so I understand what a stressful time it can be. Good luck with everything - baby dust #binkylinky

    1. Right in the middle of our IVF treatment now - had my egg collection today! Good luck, I hope you get pregnant soon x

  2. OH WOW! That is amazing for you guys- best of luck. Several of my friends have had IVF and they now have beautiful, bouncing babies so I will keep everything corssed for you.

    Muma Leary. x

    1. Thank you! I've had 10 eggs collected today, hopefully they will fertilise overnight. I'm a bit behind with my blog posts, but the full story of my treatment will be on here soon enough #binkylinky
