Sunday, 25 May 2014

6 week scan

Having seen the positive pregnancy test I spent the next three weeks counting down the days until my six week scan. We had been so open with all of our friends and family about going through IVF  that we had not considered how we would feel about sharing the results of the pregnancy test. I happily told a few close friends ans family, but soon realised that I simply wasn't comfortable with being congratulated and everyone getting excited about it. I still didn't believe it was real and I hadn't yet allowed myself to get excited, so it simply seemed wrong for others to. I decided to send a big group message on facebook requesting that we would prefer it if no one asked us about the IVF treatment. I was so glad I did this. Our friends respected our wishes and although I hadn't hinted either way whether it had been successful, I got the feeling that a fair few of our friends had assumed that it had not worked. I felt like the pressure was off.

The day of the six week scan finally came. It happened to fall during a free period at work, so I nipped out of school without anyone having any idea that I'd even gone anywhere. DH met me there, and a bubbly nurse showed us into one of the rooms. It didn't take her long to show us the small black circle with a little white bean laying inside. The first image of our baby. I was amazed when she zoomed in and the whole thing was pulsating, that's it's heart beat, she confirmed. It measured just 4mm and already it had a heart beat - just incredible. At the same time, she told us that I had a rather large cyst on my right ovary, 5cm. She actually sounded rather impressed by it; "wow, that is a corker of a cyst, it's nothing to worry about, cysts are very normal during pregnancy and actually support the growing baby, but I have never seen one this big!"

                                                          6 weeks and 5 days

I began to relax in the knowledge that there really was something in there. I had almost convinced myself that the scan would reveal an empty sac. I was still reserved with my excitement, but DH and I began talking a bit more openly about the logistics and practicalities of having a baby. I seemed to be quite lucky with the lack of usual pregnancy symptoms. The only thing I was really suffering with was trapped wind and constipation, which resulted in quite a bloated belly, I already looked about 15 weeks pregnant and much as I am excited about having a bump it was disappointing knowing that it was just bloating. However, if this is the only issue I have to deal with, then I shall count myself lucky.

Binky Linky

1 comment:

  1. I cried lots and lots at this first scan, especially when I saw the pulsating heartbeat. It makes I all feel more real. This was the time the midwife at the IVF clinic accidentally read the wrong notes and told us were having twins though! By husband actually stopped breathing for the 5 seconds it took her to realise her mistake!
    I'm so excited for you being on this journey xxx
    Thanks for linking up with #BinkyLinky
